
Prohibited and Restricted Items Policy

Date of Publication: 22/02/2022

It is each User’s responsibility to ensure that their use of the Platform shall comply with all applicable laws and that the User shall not use the Platform or Partner’s Services for delivery of goods/items which are prohibited under applicable law, or under Company’s policy. For the Sellers’ convenience, Cybernetics Solutions FZCO (‘Company’) has provided below a non-exhaustive guideline on prohibited and restricted items. Company will update this guideline from time to time where necessary. Please visit this page regularly for updates.

1.  What Items are prohibited or restricted on the Platform?
Ans. The User shall not use the Platform or Partner’s Services for any of the following products and or services:

  1. Alcohol: Spiritual and intoxicating drinks, wine, champagne, beer and other;
  2. Prohibited animals and races: Animal parts, blood or other fluids, weeds, prohibited seeds, plants and any other organic matter (including production derivatives) that are in danger of extinction or whose trade is prohibited by law;
  3. Pornography: Pornography or material that may constitute sexual exploitation of children;
  4. Proprietary Property Materials and Applications: Illegal copies of books, music, movies, and any other licensed and protected material, including copyright infringing copies, illegal copies of applications, software, video games, and any other licensed and protected materials such as original applications, packages, or other products that enable anonymous messaging to e-mail;
  5. Counterfeit and illegal goods: Counterfeit goods or designs;
  6. Devices and mechanisms used to decipher or hack technical protection: Any chips or other devices used to bypass technical protection on digital devices;
  7. Drugs and their equipment: Prohibited Substances, illegal drugs and drugs and preparation equipment;
  8. Electronic hacking material: Guides, directions, information, and requirements that violate the law by vandalizing or allowing unlawful access to applications, software, servers, websites, or other protected property;
  9. Human organs: Human organs or any parts of the body, fluids, stem cells and embryos;
  10. Illegal and stolen goods materials;
  11. Toxic and infectious substances;
  12. Gold, silver, and jewelry;
  13. Inappropriate goods: Goods, literary materials, products or any other materials that:
    1. Defamation and defamation of any person or group of persons on the basis of race, country, religion, gender or any other factor;
    2. Incitement to or encouragement of violent acts;
    3. Promotion of intolerance and hatred;
    4. Promotion of affiliation with terrorist groups or any other organizations prohibited by law; and
    5. Promoting the revisionist theories defined by law.
  14. Philatelic Items;
  15. Aggressive and criminal goods: Criminal scenes, pictures and materials such as personal belongings related to crimes or criminal acts;
  16. Antiques, and Precious materials: Selling in bulk for rare or precious metals and stones;
  17. Protected cultural items and handicrafts: Articles covered by the UNESCO Charter of 1970 regarding the means of preventing and protecting the illegal import, export and transfer of ownership of cultural property or the sale, export or transfer of ownership of cultural property prohibited by law;
  18. Fireworks and hazardous materials: Fireworks and related goods that are considered in the markets in which they are sold: are poisonous, flammable or radioactive and materials such as gunpowder, explosive materials, gasoline and propane packages;
  19. Currencies;
  20. Compressed Gasses;
  21. Corrosives, and Lithium Batteries;
  22. Pesticide;
  23. Inspection and surveillance equipment;
  24. Oxidizing Substances;
  25. Goods subject to control by the government or any other authorities;
  26. Weapons: weapons, ammunition and any other items including, but not limited to, concealed and difficult-to-detect weapons and knives, artifacts, silencers, ammunition cabinets, light machine guns and tear gas;
  27. Luxurious and precious things Items worth more than 5,000 AED;
  28. Tobacco or tobacco-related products, including without limitation cigarettes, shisha, and electric cigarettes;
  29. Food, and edible items that are not Halal in accordance with the Islam religion such as Pork;
  30. Obscene, seditious or treasonous materials;
  31. Publications, books, films, videos and/or video games that do not comply with applicable laws;
  32. Mislabeled goods; and
  33. Any other items that are, or that contain components that are (i) illegal or restricted in the jurisdiction of the Buyer and/or the Seller or which otherwise encourage illegal or restricted activities, or (ii) determined by any governmental or regulatory authority to pose a potential health or safety risk.

2. Are there any other items which are prohibited on the Platform?
Ans. Company has provided a non-exhaustive guideline on prohibited and restricted items for which the User is not allowed to use the Platform and Partner’s Services. Company may update this policy from time to time where necessary. Please visit this page regularly for updates.

3. How to contact Company with respect to this Prohibited and Restricted Item Policy?
Ans. The User may contact Company at info@3efreet.com 

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